
How we can assist Adults with disabilities

Helping Adults - Overview.

Next Gen Care in collaboration with NDIS registered and approved partners provides significant support and assistance for adults with disabilities. We aim to empower adults to exercise choice and control over their lives, achieve their goals, and participate fully in their communities.

Next Gen Care Disability Services NDIS Sydney

What is involved

Adults unlike teenagers tend to have their goals set by a certain age, whether it be relationships, careers, family, achieving social independence and participating in the community.

For adults living with disabilities, much like teenagers, communicating and engaging with mature aged participants also presents many challenges. Which why we take extra consideration in understanding participants’ needs and goals moving forward.

This is done in collaboration with our industry approved and qualified therapists who are experienced in understanding the fundamentals of each participant’s behaviour and the best ways to approach them.

NDIS Support Services Provider |

NDIS Eligibility

See if you are eligible for NDIS Support Services.

Everyday tasks

Through our collaboration with NDIS registered and approved therapists, we offer comprehensive assistance with a wide range of everyday tasks.

Here are the areas we cover:

Self-care activities at home:

  • Bathing: Our therapists provide guidance and strategies to promote safe and independent bathing routines.
  • Dressing: We offer support and techniques to enhance dressing skills, including selecting appropriate clothing and managing fastenings.
  • Grooming: Our team assists in developing grooming skills, such as brushing hair, brushing teeth, and maintaining personal hygiene.

Work-related activities:

  • Job analysis: We conduct assessments to analyse job requirements and identify potential modifications or accommodations to facilitate successful work participation.
  • Ergonomics: Our Occupational Therapists provide recommendations on optimising workstations and equipment to ensure ergonomic alignment, minimising the risk of injury and enhancing productivity.
  • Work simplification: We offer strategies to simplify work tasks and routines, promoting efficiency and reducing physical and cognitive demands.

Play and leisure activities:

  • Sports: We support children in participating in sports and recreational activities, adapting techniques or equipment as needed to promote inclusion and enjoyment.
  • Hobbies: Our team assists children in exploring and engaging in hobbies of interest, providing adaptive strategies and modifications to facilitate active participation.
  • Socialising: We offer guidance and interventions to enhance social skills and interactions, enabling children to effectively engage and communicate with peers in various social settings.

Key aspects of support services provided for Adults.

Individualised Support Plans

We work with NDIS approved professionals to develop individualised support plans for eligible adults with disabilities. These plans are tailored to their specific needs, goals, and circumstances. The plans outline the supports and services required to help them in areas such as daily living, employment, social participation, and community integration.

Access to Allied Health Services

The NDIS provides funding for various allied health services to support adults with disabilities. This includes services such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychology, behavior support, and assistive technology. These services aim to improve their physical, cognitive, communication, and social skills.

Supported Independent Living

We support adults with disabilities to live more independently. This involves funding for supported accommodation, specialised housing, home modifications, and assistive technology to enhance their ability to perform daily living tasks and manage their living arrangements.

Employment Support

Next Gen Care recognises the importance of employment for adults with disabilities. We provide support for employment-related needs, including job coaching, vocational training, workplace modifications, and assistance in finding and maintaining employment. The goal is to improve employment opportunities and support individuals in achieving their career aspirations.

Skill Development and Capacity Building

We work with NDIS approved practitioners with the development of skills and capabilities in adults with disabilities. We connect participants with funding for programs and activities that promote independence, social interaction, communication, and daily living skills. This includes support for education and training, recreational activities, mentoring, and life skills training.

Community Participation

Next Gen Care assist and encourage adults with disabilities to actively participate in their communities. We provide help obtain funding for social and recreational activities, community engagement programs, and support to access community services and facilities. The aim is to promote social inclusion, friendships, and meaningful connections.

Assistive Technology and Equipment

Next Gen Care sources adequate funding for assistive technology and equipment to improve the functional abilities and independence of adults with disabilities. This includes mobility aids, communication devices, home modifications, specialised equipment, and technology to support their daily living activities.

Social Support

Next Gen Care recognises the unique challenges faced by adults with psycho-social disabilities. We help provide social support services aimed at enhancing their mental health, social and emotional well-being, and community integration. This can include counselling, therapy, peer support and access to mental health services.

Like more information?

If you would like more information on how we can help you gain access to disability support services, please reach out to us today.